
Gloomy Day~

saya jatuh terduduk lagi arini~ kepenatan datang dengan melampau bile hal ini berlaku lagi. terasa macam hilang suda semua semangat yang ada. mane hilang semua semangat saya? arghh i need my friend back~ i hate being here wif someone that i couldnt be along~ hancor berderai derai oke hati skrg~

Can someone show me the best way to heal all the pain,stress. And the most importantly i need them to be with me right now~ Only they know how much i stress. I'm sick with all kind of this feeling!~ sampai bile nak jaga hati org nana~!Saketnya..


ARA AMNAN said...

xpe nana..

u x perlu jaga hati i..


cheer up dear~

ara kan ada..


nana abd rahman said...


thanx so much,jatuh terduduk ditimpe tange plak tu.. sob..sob.. sedey :(